Money 0.0 / 5 ? MathematicsMoneyGCSEAQA Created by: A1kaxCreated on: 05-11-17 11:02 Convert £1.00 to euros? 1.13 euro 1 of 8 Convert £1.00 to dollars? 1.31 dollars 2 of 8 Convert £1.00 to indian rupees? 84.63 rupees 3 of 8 what is £15.50 take away £3.70? £11.80 4 of 8 what is the most valuable note we use in the uk? £50 5 of 8 How many 20p in £2.20? 11 6 of 8 How many pennies are there in £3.50? 350 7 of 8 Convert 763 pence into pounds? £7.63 8 of 8
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