Montserrat case study 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyMontserrat case studyGCSEAQA Created by: joestroud79Created on: 14-02-16 16:16 how hot where the pyroclastic flows (°C) six hundred 1 of 15 how much of the island was safe to live on (in km2) forty 2 of 15 how many metres of tephra covered Belham valley ten 3 of 15 how many metres did the pyroclastic flows extend into the sea three hundred 4 of 15 how fast did the pyroclastic flows go (km/h) one hundred and twenty 5 of 15 what is the name of the airport that was built after W.H. Bramble was abandoned Gerald 6 of 15 how many farmers lost their jobs three hundred 7 of 15 what was the unemployment rate (%) fifty 8 of 15 what was the original population eleven thousand 9 of 15 how many people went to the uk one thousand six hundred 10 of 15 what is the name of the new capital city little bay 11 of 15 what part of the island is still uninhabitable north 12 of 15 how long is the run way in the new airport (metres) six hundred 13 of 15 how many people evacuated in 1996 five thousand 14 of 15 what is the name of the neighbouring island which took in people antigua 15 of 15
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