Name of fault, appearance of fault, cause of fault, effect of fault, repair of fault, action taken to correct fault and prevention of this happening again
1 of 27
This Quality ass___ is used while ma_____ garments
assurance, Manufacturing
2 of 27
Provides a standard s____ for identifying fau___ and correcting them
System, faults
3 of 27
Tole____ means to accept a level of ch___ allow in the si___ of a garment so it can fit together ac____
Tolerance, change, sizing, accurately
4 of 27
A change in +/- of _ cm could result in und__siz___
1cm, undersizing
5 of 27
Adding 1cm would make the garment too b__
6 of 27
Too many alterations could result in a lot of fau__ and therefore the garment would not f__ together properly
Faults, fit
7 of 27
This would result in a rej___ from qua___ control
Rejection, quality control
8 of 27
Inspe___ are carried out to examine the pro___ if standards and tole___ have been met
Inspection, product, tolerances
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These inspections take place at cri___ points during the manufacturing
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Then a final inspection. Inspecting involves quality of mat_____, accuracy of siz__ and fi_ and the quality in the overall app____ and fini___
Materials, sizing, fit, appearance, finish
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Testing involves testing perfo____, stand___ and wash/care requi____
Performance, standars, requirements
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For example, swi_____ is tested with chlor___, salt water
Swimwear, chlorine
13 of 27
Scho_____ has to be har_w____, dura___ and easy car__
Schoolwear, hardwearing, durable, easy care
14 of 27
The 'Tra__ Descrip___s Act of 198_' declares that by la_ it cannot be sta___ if a product is wate____ is it actually isn't etc.
Trade Descriptions Act of 1988, law, stated, waterproof
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The 'Text__ Products Regula___ Act of 19_6 declares fib__ content has to be acc___ by an allowance of _%
The Textiles Products Regulations Act of 1986, fibre, accurate, 3%
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The 'Wei___ and Measu____ Act of 1985-_ states that siz__ have to be accurate
Weights and Measures Act of 1985-7, sizes
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The 'Con___ Protec___ Act of 1987 explains something to do with fau___
Consumer Protection Act, faults
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General Prod___, Safe__ Regulations Act of 199_ means products must have the cor___ labels, e.g. children's wear must not give any ris_
General Product Safety, 1994, correct, risk
19 of 27
Risk Asse____ means to identify the heal__ and safety of people and their envir____
Assessment, health, environment
20 of 27
As a guide assessors use the Brit___ Stan____ to test and monit___
British Standards, monitor
21 of 27
All possible health risks have to be elim_____
22 of 27
Some manufactures use a Lif_ Cyc__ Assessment to asses a product's impact from cra__ (raw mat___) to grave (disp___)
Life Cycle, cradle, materials, disposal
23 of 27
The Risk Asse____ Code of Prac___ BS 1996 sets out saf__ requirements for desi__ and manufa___
Assessment, Practice, safety, design, manufacture
24 of 27
For instance, children's clothing means there can be no chor__ and ribbons that are accessable to a child's mou__ (incase of chok__)
Chords, mouth, choking
25 of 27
No chords in ho__s as a strangu___ risk
Hoods, strangulation
26 of 27
Cannot be flam____
27 of 27
Other cards in this set
Card 2
This Quality ass___ is used while ma_____ garments
assurance, Manufacturing
Card 3
Provides a standard s____ for identifying fau___ and correcting them
Card 4
Tole____ means to accept a level of ch___ allow in the si___ of a garment so it can fit together ac____
Card 5
A change in +/- of _ cm could result in und__siz___
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