More Geography People, Work and Development Keywords 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyDevelopmentGCSEWJEC Created by: Samantha ArendCreated on: 26-05-13 16:18 Aid Help provided by other countries 1 of 26 Development Improving QOL and income 2 of 26 Sustainable development Improvement that will continue in further generations 3 of 26 Employment structure How many people are employed in each sector 4 of 26 Manufacturing Making goods in factories (secondary industry) 5 of 26 Informal employment Jobs not controlled by laws or taxes 6 of 26 NIC's Newly industrialised countries 7 of 26 Interdependence Countries dependent on each other for trade and communication 8 of 26 Subsidies When government gives money to industries to protect them 9 of 26 Quota A limit on the amount of imports 10 of 26 Import duties Taxes charged on imports so prices increase 11 of 26 Tariff barrier The way countries protect their own industry and jobs 12 of 26 GDP per capita Gross Domestic Product (the total income of a country) per person 13 of 26 Fair trade When producers are paid a better price for their goods/crops 14 of 26 Trade Exchange of goods between countries 15 of 26 Trade block A group of countries that trade without tariff barriers 16 of 26 Infrastructure The network that helps a country run properly (roads, electricity, water supply) 17 of 26 Eco-tourism Tourism that does not effect the environment 18 of 26 Renewable resources Raw materials that will not run out 19 of 26 Ecosystem The links between the living and non living parts of an environment 20 of 26 Nutrient cycle The flow of energy though an ecosystem 21 of 26 Producer These create nutrients (plants) 22 of 26 Consumer These eat producers and other consumers (animals) 23 of 26 Deforestation Cutting down trees 24 of 26 Climate change/ Global warming The rise in global temperature 25 of 26 Greenhouse gases CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, CFC's which all trap heat into the atmosphere causing global warming 26 of 26
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