Focuses on what people blame their successes and failures on, 3 sections; stability, causality and control
2 of 8
What are the 4 theories of acheivement motivation?
Need achievement theory, attribution theory, achievement goal theory and competence motivation theory
3 of 8
What is the self-determination theory?
The assumption that everyone has an innate tendency for psychological growth, how sociocultural contexts impact an individual's ability to live in self determined ways
4 of 8
What 5 theories make up the self-determination theory?
Basic needs theory, cognitive evaluation theory, organismic integration theory, causality orientation theory and goal competence theory
5 of 8
What are the 3 basic needs to live in self-deterministic ways according to self determination theory?
Competence, autonomy and relatedness
6 of 8
What does the cognitive evaluation theory look at?
How social contexts can cause variability in intrinsic motivation
7 of 8
What are the 4 types of extrinsic motivation according to the organismic integration theory?
External (someone else), introjected (pressures), identification (personally held values) and integrated (becomes who you are 'I'm a runner')
8 of 8
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the attribution theory of motivation?
Focuses on what people blame their successes and failures on, 3 sections; stability, causality and control
Card 3
What are the 4 theories of acheivement motivation?
Card 4
What is the self-determination theory?
Card 5
What 5 theories make up the self-determination theory?
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