Motivation 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesMotivationIGCSEOCR Created by: SIR SatanHimSelfCreated on: 13-05-16 09:29 Motivation The method you use to make people work harder 1 of 7 Example of financial motivation Pay, bonuses, piece rate pay, Time rate, salaries, Commissions and Profit share 2 of 7 Examples of non-financial motivation Job enlargement, Job enrichment, Satisfaction, Job rotation, Autonomous, Teamwork, Company car 3 of 7 what did Taylor think increased motivation he thought that increasing the wages would make the employees work harder 4 of 7 examples of the sections in the hierarchy of needs physiological, saftry, social needs, esteem and self actualization 5 of 7 sections of the herzberg two factor theory Job dissatisfaction (influenced by hygiene) and job satisfaction (Influenced by satisfier) 6 of 7 X and Y Theory X= bad things in the work place e.g. Dislike work, find it boring. Y= good things in the work place e.g. need to work, want an interest. 7 of 7
Business studies motivating workers and Organization & Management 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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