Identify 6 immediate responses to the muscular system to a single exercise session (6)
Increased blood to muscles; Increased muscle temp; Increased muscle pliability; Increased lactic acid in muscles; DOMS; Micro tears in muscle fibres
1 of 8
Describe 2 functional and 2 structural characteristics of a fast twitch 2b/2x muscle fibres (4)
FUNCTIONAL: Fast speed of contraction; High force of contraction; low resistance to fatigue; anaerobic energy production STRUCTURAL: Large; white; high phosphoceartine stores; high glycogen stores
2 of 8
Describe 2 structural and 2 functional characteristics of a slow twitch muscle fibre (4)
FUNCTIONAL: Slow speed of contraction; Low force of contraction; high resistance to fatigue; aerobic energy production STRUCTURAL: Small; red; lots of mitochondria; lots of capillaries; high myoglobin content
3 of 8
Identify 7 adaptations to the muscular system following long term training (7)
Hypertrophy of muscles; Increased tendon strength; Increased number of mitochondria; Increased myoglobin; Increased storage of glycogen; increased storage of fat; Increased tolerance to lactic acid
4 of 8
Explain how old age impacts on the muscular system (3)
Muscles mass decreases; this is called sarcopenia; it happens at about 50; Muscles therefore have less strength
5 of 8
What is cramp and what causes it? (3)
Involuntary contraction of muscles; Causes muscle fatigue and pain; Usually caused by dehydration
6 of 8
Explain the 'All or none Law' of muscle contraction (4)
A motor unit is a neurone and its fibres. In a unit all fibres are the same type. When a neurone stimulates the muscle fibres they all contract. If the stimulus isn't big enough none of the fibres contract
7 of 8
Explain what antagonistic muscular action is using an example in sport (5)
Muscles work in pairs. Agonist contracts and causes movement. Antagonist relaxes to allow movement. E.g. upward phase of bicep curl, agonist is bicep and antagonist is tricep
8 of 8
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Describe 2 functional and 2 structural characteristics of a fast twitch 2b/2x muscle fibres (4)
FUNCTIONAL: Fast speed of contraction; High force of contraction; low resistance to fatigue; anaerobic energy production STRUCTURAL: Large; white; high phosphoceartine stores; high glycogen stores
Card 3
Describe 2 structural and 2 functional characteristics of a slow twitch muscle fibre (4)
Card 4
Identify 7 adaptations to the muscular system following long term training (7)
Card 5
Explain how old age impacts on the muscular system (3)
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