Music- Schoenberg 0.0 / 5 ? MusicSchoenbergGCSEEdexcel Created by: CharlieeeeeeeeeCreated on: 21-04-16 14:54 The tempo marking is... Sehr Rasch 1 of 10 The principle voice is called the... Hauptstimme 2 of 10 The secondary voice is called the... Nebenstimme 3 of 10 'Peripetie' translates to... Sudden changes 4 of 10 The melody could be described as... Angular 5 of 10 The range of dynamics could be described as... Extreme 6 of 10 The Structure is... Free Rondo 7 of 10 What is the word for breaking up the melody and passing around different parts? Klangfarbenmelodie 8 of 10 The tonality is... Atonal 9 of 10 Schoenberg uses ... to compose his melodies Hexachords 10 of 10
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