Music 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicGCSEEdexcel Created by: CharlotteCreated on: 01-05-13 22:09 AO1 - name three features of music from the baroque period Simple, same mood throughout, sudden dynamics 1 of 12 How many motifs are there in Handel 4 2 of 12 What is the choir made up of S.A.T.B 3 of 12 What is the time signature 3/4 4 of 12 What does hemiola mean Music feels as if its in a different time signature than written 5 of 12 What is the tempo of and the glory of The Lord Allegro 6 of 12 Handel: what is the key of the piece A major 7 of 12 Handel: what cadence does the piece end with Plagal 8 of 12 Handel: what is the texture of the piece Homophonic and contraptual 9 of 12 What does melisma mean Singing a word on a number of notes 10 of 12 Handel: when was it composed 18th century 11 of 12 Handel: what does the term continuo mean Accompanying part in instrumental music 12 of 12
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