Music Anthology

In The Kinks' piece in the Middle 8 does the key modulate to the dominant or sub dominant?
1 of 13
What key is the Familia Valera Miranda piece in?
G Minor.
2 of 13
Which piece is written in C Minor with hints of modality?
Faure. Apres un seve.
3 of 13
What key is Monteverdi's piece in?
G Minor/Modal
4 of 13
What key does the Van Morrison change to after Bb Minor?
Nothing. There is no chnage of key at any point.
5 of 13
What does the Mozart piece modulate to in the exposition during the bridge passage?
The Dominant. F Major.
6 of 13
In the Bach piece what does it modulate to from G major?
Closely related keys. C Major. E Minor. D Major. B Minor.
7 of 13
Which Piece has bitonality in the two part counterpoint?
Tavener. The Lamb. (E Minor vs C Minor)
8 of 13
At the end of B2 in Poulenc's piece what scale must you use to return to G maj from the dominant Db Major?
Whole Tone scale.
9 of 13
What key is the refrain in Poulenc's piece?
G Major.
10 of 13
What key does Tavener chnage to?
Nothing. There is no chnage of key.
11 of 13
Which piece has a reprise of a preivous B section moving away from C Minor to A Minor?
Shostakovich. String Quartet No.8. (This is a Tertiary relationship)
12 of 13
In the Shostakovich piece what somethimes obscures the tonality?
Chromaticism 9All 12 notes of chromatic scale heard in Bars 1-8)
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What key is the Familia Valera Miranda piece in?


G Minor.

Card 3


Which piece is written in C Minor with hints of modality?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What key is Monteverdi's piece in?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What key does the Van Morrison change to after Bb Minor?


Preview of the front of card 5
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