Music GCSE Theory Keywords: Timbre & Dynamics

There's so many phrases and keywords to learn for your music GCSE exam, and I just can't do them all, so here's a way for me to learn them and I hope you find it useful too! 

I hope I haven't made any mistakes...

  • Created by: Connie
  • Created on: 28-10-11 20:27
Let's start with the 'timbre' section: define 'tone'
the unique sound quality of an instrument/voice
1 of 14
What is 'chamber music'?
music composed to be played in small rooms/chambers
2 of 14
'Bowing, plucking, mute, glissando, double stopping, tremolo, vibrato, pitch bend'...what are all of these commonly defined as?
musical techniques
3 of 14
What's the correct word for a fake high-pitched voice?
4 of 14
What are these? Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass
The four main voices
5 of 14
Now onto the 'dynamics' section. What does PP (pianissimo) tell you about how to play the piece?
very quiet
6 of 14
What does MP (mezzopiano) tell you?
medium quiet
7 of 14
What does FF (fortissimo) tell you?
very loud
8 of 14
What does MF (mezzoforte) tell you?
medium loud
9 of 14
Crescendo is when something is...
getting louder
10 of 14
Diminuendo is when something is...
getting quieter
11 of 14
Sforzando is when something is...
suddenly louder
12 of 14
What is this sign? ||:
a 'repeat' sign
13 of 14
D.C means...
go to the beginning and repeat from there.
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is 'chamber music'?


music composed to be played in small rooms/chambers

Card 3


'Bowing, plucking, mute, glissando, double stopping, tremolo, vibrato, pitch bend'...what are all of these commonly defined as?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What's the correct word for a fake high-pitched voice?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are these? Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass


Preview of the front of card 5
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