Music - Set Works
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- Music
- All blues, Grace, Something's Coming, And the glory of the Lord, Mozart and the Raindrop Prelude
- Edexcel
- Created by: Becky Bradley
- Created on: 07-07-13 13:13
When was 'Messiah' written and performed?
It was written in 1741 and first performed in 1742.
1 of 48
What are the lines / 4 motifs that make up the chorus of 'And the glory of the Lord?'
"And the glory of the Lord" - "Shall be revealed" - And all flesh shall see it together" - "For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it"
2 of 48
What is the key signature of 'And the glory of the Lord?' And how does it modulate in a few places?
The overall key signature is in A major but it modulates in a few places - E major twice and B major once.
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What is the texture of 'And the glory of the Lord?'
The texture is mainly homophonic but some parts are polyphonic.
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What does homohonic and polyphonic mean?
Homophonic means all the parts move together. Polyphonic means the parts weave in and out of eachother.
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What is the time signature of 'And the glory of the Lord?' And what is it marked - what does this mean?
The piece is in 3 / 4, although some places it feels like it is in 2 / 4 - this is called a hemiola. The piece is marked Allegro - this means quick and lively.
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What does the piece of 'And the glory of the Lord' use?
Rubato - this is the Italian word meaning 'Robbed'. It means that there is a fluctuation in speed in the performance; some notes or phrases are being played more quickley than others.
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Information on the first motif of 'And the glory of the Lord'.
The first motif is sung by the altos in bars 11-14. Most of this phrase is syllabic - each syllable has its own note.
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Information on the second motif of 'Shall be revealed.'
The second motif is introduced by the tenors in bars 17-20. The words 'be revealed' are spread over a descending sequence. The syllables of the word 'revealed' are spread over lots of notes - this is called melismatic.
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Information on the third motif of 'And all flesh shall see it together.'
This is first sung by the altos in bars 43-46. The same bit of melody is repeated three times.
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Information on the final motif of 'For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.'
This is introduced by the tenors and basses in bars 51-57. It is the only motif that is introduced by two parts. They sing in unison for the first 5 bars, then in harmony for the last two. Most of the motif is on A - a pedal point, it sound serious.
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What happens once all of the motifs have been introduced?
The parts imitate each other. The last four bars of the piece are marked Adagio - they are much slower. It finishes with a plagal cadence - it makes the piece sound like it is finished.
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When was Symphony No.40 by Mozart written?
It was written in 1788.
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What key is the Symphony No.40 in?
G minor
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What period was 'And the Glory of the Lord' written in?
The baroque period
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What period was Symphony No.40 written in?
The classical period
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What form is the symphony in and what is it marked?
It is in sonata form and is marked Molto Allegro - very fast.
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What are the three main sections of the piece - Mozart?
Exposition - Development - Recapitulation
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What form is the Raindrop prelude in?
Ternary form
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What key is the Raindrop prelude in?
Db major
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What key is section A and B in and what is this called?
Section A is in Db major - Section B is in C# minor. Enharmonically, C# minor is the tonic minor or Db major.
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What period was the Raindrop prelude written in?
Romantic period.
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Why is the Prelude called the Raindrop Prelude?
Because os the dominant pedal and the persistant repeated note of Ab.
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What musical is 'Something's coming'?
West Side Story
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When was West Side Story written?
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What does the piece have lots of - Something's Coming?
Cross rhythms
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What is the time signature of 'Something's coming?'
3 / 4 - but sometimes it feels like it is in 6 / 8 (much of Tony's part feels like it's in 6/8 - with 2 beats in a bar) The accented off-beats like 'Could be' and 'who knows' gives a sense of anticipation, which matches the mood.
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What does the quick tempo of 'Something's coming reflect?
Tony's excitement
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What happens at the start of Something's coming - how does Tony sing?
Tony sings in pianissimo (pp) in a half whispering style, with quaver rests between words. This gives it a breathless, agitated feeling.
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What key is Something's coming in?
D major
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In Something's coming, what is there lots of?
Ostinati - repeated patterns.
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What does Bernstein use in West Side story?
Tritones - a tritone is an interval of two notes that are three whole tones apart (like F to B). In Medieval music, they were known as the 'devil in music' and composers were banned from using them in Church.
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When was Jeff Buckley's debut album 'Grace' released?
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What is the time signature of Grace?
12 / 8
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What key is Grace in?
E minor
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What are some of the electronic effects used in Grace?
EQ, delay and flangers are used.
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What is the tonality of All blues?
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How is the standard 12 bar blues chord sequence altered in All Blues?
- Altered/ extended/ substitution chords in bars 9 + 10 - Chords vary in head and solos.
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When was the album 'Kind of Blue' released?
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What is the musical reason why Miles Davis chose the title 'All Blue'?
Because the piece is based on (a version) of the 12 bar blues sequence.
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What is the time signature of the piece - All Blues?
6 / 4
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What is the tempo of All Blues?
It is marked 'Jazz waltz' - it should be played at a moderate pace.
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What is the band of All Blues made up of?
Trumpet, alto sax, tenor saxophone, piano, double bass and drums.
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What is the structure like of All Blues?
All Blues uses a standard 12 bar blues chord pattern in G which gets repeated throughout the piece. It is played under the solos and the main melody. The chords are not exactly the same as the traditional 12 bar blues though - they are a bit fancier.
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What is the timbre of All Blues?
The timbre is very mellow. Miles uses a mute, ghost note and rests in his solos to make it more mellow.
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What is the pitch of All Blues like?
All instruments keep to their middle and lower registers.
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What is the dymanics of All Blues like?
The piece is generally quite subdued - most of it is moderately loud (mf) except for a few louder trumpet bits. The ensemble plays even more quietly when a soloist is playing.
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How long is the duration of All Blues?
It lasts for more than 11 minutes and a half.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the lines / 4 motifs that make up the chorus of 'And the glory of the Lord?'
"And the glory of the Lord" - "Shall be revealed" - And all flesh shall see it together" - "For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it"
Card 3
What is the key signature of 'And the glory of the Lord?' And how does it modulate in a few places?

Card 4
What is the texture of 'And the glory of the Lord?'

Card 5
What does homohonic and polyphonic mean?

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