Musical features - instrumental 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicASEdexcel Created by: HarrietCreated on: 30-04-13 12:39 Harmonic device Tierce de Picardie 1 of 12 Change in key Modulation 2 of 12 Poulenc's style neo-classicism 3 of 12 Melodic decoration used in Mozarts Piano sonata Appoggiatora 4 of 12 Structure of Debussy's L'apres midi Extended Ternary 5 of 12 rhythmic device used in Reich's new york counterpoint Rhythmic Displacement 6 of 12 Main texture of Mozarts Piano Sonata Melody dominated homophony 7 of 12 'Question and Answer' (Mozart) Periodic Phrasing 8 of 12 Scale movement Conjunct 9 of 12 type of modulation in Poulenc Tertiary 10 of 12 Debussy's musical style Impressionism 11 of 12 diminished 5th Tritone 12 of 12
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