The belief that God is everywhere and in everyone. Therefore enabling humans with the divine spark to understand how to live in accordance with God and nature.
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Cicero said...
"True law is right reason in agreement with nature."
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What did Aristotle emphasise?
Natural justice was not always the same as that which was just by law.
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What did Aristotle observe?
He observed that laws may vary from place to place but natural justice is independent and applies to all.
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Aristotle quote..
"That which is natural is unchangeable and has the same power everywhere, just as fire burns both here and in Persia."
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Who developed NML further?
St Thomas Aquinas = 13th century
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Aquinas said NML was..
as a moral code existing within the purpose of nature and created by God.
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What was eudamonia?
It wasn't fulfilling perfection but, instead more of a way of attaining eternal life with God and therefore fulfilling the plan.
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Why does NML exist?
To assist humans to direct their actions in such a way that they may reach their eternal destiny with God.
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Why did Aquinas emphasise the importance of reason?
Everything is created with a purpose and using our human reason we can work out what that is. Using our human reason we can discover our purpose and discover Gods intentions.
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What is a moral life?
A life lived in accordance with God.
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Quote by Aquinas "Our ultimate end..
is an unrelated good, namely God, who alone can fill our will to the brim because of infinite goodness."
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Synderis Rule
Is to do good and avoid evil. We can use it to work out God's law
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What did the primary precepts show?
How to live our life's in accordance with God.
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What were the five Primary precepts?
1. Worship God 2. To Learn 3. To reproduce 4. Self preservation 5. To live in an ordered society
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What are secondary precepts?
Commands developed from the primary precepts. They make the commands clearer and more specific.
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What is an example of a secondary precept?
Euthanasia = wrong = against primary precept of self preservation
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Interior vs Exterior
Both the act and intention are important. To act in a good way for the wrong reason is to perform a good exterior but bad interior. For Aquinas God is the only end and the act must be intrinsically good for God to be glorified.
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"Natural law is the same for all men...
there is a single standard of the truth and right for everyone - known by everyone."
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Strengths of NML?
-Universal - Accessible to all - Flexible with secondary precepts - Not a set of rules but a way of living
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Weaknesses of NML?
- Not all humans have the same nature - Dr Kai Nelson and Scandinavians - Flexibility can mean room for interpretation negatively - Relativist can result negatively
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Romans 3:23..
"Since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."
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