Natural Moral Law is an A____ and D______ moral theory
Absolutist, Deontological
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It prescribes _____
Fixed moral laws and real duties
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Natural Moral Law can be traced back to which two ancient thinkers?
Aquinas and Cicero
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What was St. Paul's view on NML?
Humans have an inbuilt knowledge of right and wrong
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What book did Thomas Aquinas write about NML?
Summa Theologica
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According to Aquinas what is the destiny of humans?
To achieve union with God
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In what two ways are God's law perceived?
Reason and Revelation
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What are real and apparent goods?
Humans sometimes do things wrong because they mistakenly suppose that they have made a good choice (apparent good) when really, they haven’t.
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What are interior and exterior acts?
an action is only moral if the interior intention is good (interior), as well as the act itself (exterior).
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What are the five primary precepts?
(1) self-preservation (2) reproduction (3) education (4) live in society (5) worship God
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What are secondary precepts?
Secondary rules derived from the Primary Precepts (i.e Primary precept= self-preservation, secondary precept= suicide is wrong)
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What are the strengths of absolutist systems?
They are a source of clear values and certainty
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What are two strengths of NML?
• Its focus on reason allows it to be universal and focus on common moral ideas • Its emphasis on purpose gives humans positive structure in their lives.
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Which school of thought would disagree with NML?
Relativists, who say there is no agreed moral law
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What was Kai Nielson's objection to NML?
that there is no common human nature. We cannot claim that humans all have the same goals and drives.
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The unbending absolutism of NML makes it L____ and I_____
Legalistic, Inflexible
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
It prescribes _____
Fixed moral laws and real duties
Card 3
Natural Moral Law can be traced back to which two ancient thinkers?
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