nature vs nurture (issues and debates

  • Created by: katie
  • Created on: 31-05-15 18:03
what should be included in this debate?
define nature and nurture. what research methods are used. evaluation of the debate. how is the debate present in the approaches.
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define nature
what we are born with including any processes that develop as we mature. Says we are all genetically programmed to behave in a certain way. Subtle differences in the nervous system mean certain people more likely to develop specific characteristics
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define nurture
effect of our environment and experiences. concerned with all external influences e.g. family, friends. Learning behaviour through interaction and socialisation
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EVALUATE: is it really a debate?/is it just solely nature OR nurture?
no - it is difficult to separate nature and nurture whilst still studying meaningful behaviour e.g. a genetic predisposition to a characteristic can often be changed by the environment. not 100% concordance rates suggests both nature and nurture
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EVALUATE: the research methods used to study this
animal studies, twin studies and adoption studies. hard to generalise for all.
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EVALUATION: cross-cultural studies
used to study the debate 2 see if universal/cultural specific behaviour. problem because there are natural differences between people of the same culture just like there are similarities 4 people of diff cultures. hard to control other variables.
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EVALUATION: reductionist
looking at solely nature or solely nurture is reductionist because you are not studying human behaviour as a whole only parts of a behaviour
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biological approach
genes, hormones and neurotransmitters are the primary things that determine behaviour. evidence: Gottesman found higher concordance rate for schizo with MZ twins + Money found that gender is determined before birth
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learning approach
interactions with our environment determine behaviour. born tabula rasa with no influence of genes etc. on our behaviour. evidence: learning through classical and operant conditioning.
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social approach
society affects people and their behaviour. people are socialised and learn social norms. evidence: development of prejudiced beliefs through social identity theory. evolved to act as agents in society + form groups:aids survival so is innate- nature
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cognitive approach
NURTURE: use environmental cues are used to help people remember. NATURE: information processing in the brain takes place a set way + explains why we can remember little of our childhood...brain was maturing during the early years.
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psychodynamic approach
NURTURE: role of parents (oedipus complex). society determines the superego. NATURE: fixed psychosexual stages of development, the unconscious, ID EGO SUPEREGO
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health psychology
NURTURE: social learning theory explanation for substance misuse and token economy works as a treatment. NATURE: down regulation, withdrawal
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criminological psychology
NURTURE: social learning theory and self fulfilling prophecy say environmental cause of criminal behaviour. NATURE: born a criminal because of your brain structure- Raine
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clinical psychology
NURTURE: Brown found those with a support system are less likely to develop depression. Talking therapies. NATURE: element of heredity in mental disorders...Gottesman's study into concordance rates of schizophrenia. drug therapy as a treatment
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Card 2


define nature


what we are born with including any processes that develop as we mature. Says we are all genetically programmed to behave in a certain way. Subtle differences in the nervous system mean certain people more likely to develop specific characteristics

Card 3


define nurture


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Card 4


EVALUATE: is it really a debate?/is it just solely nature OR nurture?


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Card 5


EVALUATE: the research methods used to study this


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