Marinus Van Der Lubbe arrested & killed for starting the fire- people believed Nazi's started fire deliberately
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What year was the Reichstag Fire?
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What was the Enabling Act?
To destroy power of Reichstag & give himself (Hitler) full power to make laws. Germany would no longer be a democracy
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What year was the Enabling Act?
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What did the local government do?
Closed down on 31st March 1933
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What did the trade union do?
Replaced with German labour front
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What did the other Political parties do?
SDP & Communist party offices & funds taken by Nazi's
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What did the ** do?
Set up by Hitler in 1925, act as his bodyguards
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What was the Night Of Long Knives?
Wanted rid of Rohm treat & SA, invited Rohm & 100 SA leaders meeting in town of bad wiessee. Leaders arrived & arrested SA; shot in munich, Von Papen's staff arrested
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What was the significance of the Death of Hindenburg?
Only person senior to Hitler, President to create new office of Fuhrer (Leader)
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What was the Army Oath of Allegiance?
Hitler announced army swear an Oath of Allegicane to Germany
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Who was the Gestapo (Secret state police)?
Spied on people, set up by Hermann Goering, Prosecuted people for speaking out against Nazi's.
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What were the concentration camps like?
isolated areas, inmates treated very badly & forced to do hard labour
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What was the Legal System like?
controlled by Hitler, all judges forced to favour the Nazi Party in any decisions.
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What was the **?
Policing, set up by Heinrich Himmler in 1925
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What was the SD (security Service)?
Spied on all opponents of Nazi Party, both at home & abroad
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What was the Concordat?
Where Hitler agreed with Pope, catholics free to worship & run own schools, in return they had to stay out of politics
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What were the Nazi beliefs towards churches?
Hitler all- powerful leader, Dominance of strong over the weak
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What were the Christian beliefs towards churches?
God as the ultimate authority, everyone equal in eyes of god
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Why Rohm & SA a threat to Hitler?
Rohm did not like Hitler's Policies, SA much bigger than army & army feared Rohm replace them
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What was Propaganda?
Hitler used it, Used in posters, cinemas, radio, artists & playwrights
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Who was the Reich Minister of propaganda?
Joseph Goebbles
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What was the Edelweiss Pirates?
Made up of mainly boys, Nazi's not threatened by their activties
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Who was the Swing Youth?
Chosen not to conform to nazi ideas, liked wearing american clothes
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How effective was Youth opposition up to 1939?
writing anti- nazi graffiti, telling anti- nazi jokes
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