Nazi War Economy 2.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? HistoryThe rise of Germany from 1871A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: LJCreated on: 30-05-13 12:19 Austria, Bohemia, Poland and ? produced 6.7 million tons of iron ore in 1943 for the Nazis AlsaceLorraine 1 of 18 ? exported nearly 3 million tons to German in 1945 but not enough to support total war Romania 2 of 18 In 1942 demand for ? exceed supply by 30% even with the accquisiton of the Low Countries and France Steel 3 of 18 Output of coal rose by only 1% in the course of the war despite the accquisition of large reserves in the USSR and ? Belgium 4 of 18 By ? 1940 there were over 2 million foreign labourers in Germany May 5 of 18 productivity per worker increased by 60% after ? was appointed Speer 6 of 18 Thousands died on V2 ? production at Peenemincide Rocket 7 of 18 by summer 1941 only 55% of ? in war related projects workforce 8 of 18 By ? 1940 there were 3.5 million fewer workers than one year before May 9 of 18 Production of ? engines for planes increased by 200% 41-43 with only a 12% increase in the work force BMW 10 of 18 41-43 ? of all weapons grew by 130% production 11 of 18 In 1945 the production of ? fell to 3900 from 19 000 in 1944 tanks 12 of 18 Military ? doubled 1939-1941 expenditure 13 of 18 Arms industry output fell 39-40 by 12.5% but comsumer goods and ? rose by 16% conscription 14 of 18 Todt was appointed as leader of the Ministry of ? in March 1940 Munitions 15 of 18 Thomas was the leader of the ? of War Ministry 16 of 18 Funk was Head of the Ministry of ? Economics 17 of 18 Goring was in charge of the ? Year Plan Four 18 of 18
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