
  • Created by: Edward
  • Created on: 22-02-16 12:48
Re A (2000)
Three requirements for necessity: (i) the act must be needed to avoid inevitable and irreparable evil; (ii) no more should be done than is reasonably nec for the purpose to be achieved; and (iii) the evil inflicted must not be disproportionate to the
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Nicklinson (2013)
CA: Re A should be confined to its facts and there is no general defence of necessity in criminal law
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Dudley v Stephens (1884)
Necessity was not available in case where there were was group of people facing death by starvation and killed and ate cabin boy
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Dudley v Stephens (1884)
Lord Colderidge CJ: allowing defence of nec to charge of murder would divorce law from morality
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Nicklinson (2013)
It is not appropriate for courts to develop a defence of necessity, the creation of a defence of necessity was a matter for Parliament
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Leigh v Gladstone (1909)
Police officers were entitled to force feed prisoners in order to save their lives
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Bourne (1939)
A doctor was entitled to carry out an abortion for the purpose of saving the life of the mother
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Card 2


CA: Re A should be confined to its facts and there is no general defence of necessity in criminal law


Nicklinson (2013)

Card 3


Necessity was not available in case where there were was group of people facing death by starvation and killed and ate cabin boy


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Card 4


Lord Colderidge CJ: allowing defence of nec to charge of murder would divorce law from morality


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Card 5


It is not appropriate for courts to develop a defence of necessity, the creation of a defence of necessity was a matter for Parliament


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