Negotiation in a buisness enviroment 0.0 / 5 ? Businessbusiness A2/A-levelNone Created by: phoebefrosttCreated on: 04-05-18 10:21 4321 Across 1. Seek to create value between the parties. The idea is to work togehter to find the outcome that helps both sides. (12, 8) Down 2. invloves the negotiation of postitions rather than interests (4, 12) 3. the negotiatiors see the other side as rivals and demand concessions as a condition of the relationship. they distrust the other side and play underhead games to try and gain the negotiating advantage. (4, 12) 4. The first step is to understand that both you and the other side have a certain set of interests. Your team will have preferred solution even though there are lot of likely outcomes. (10, 9)
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