Neo-marxism: Critical criminology

What is neo-marxism influenced by?
Traditional marxists/labelling theorists.
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What is the most important neomarxist contribution to our understanding of crime?
"The new criminology."
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Who is it written by?
Taylor et al.
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In which 3ways do Taylor at al agree with traditional marxists?
1.Capitalist society is based on exploitation/class conflict. 2. The state makes and enforces law in the interests of the capitalist class. 3. Capitalism should be replaced by a classless society.
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However, the views of Taylor et al differ significantly of those of...
...traditional Marxists.
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Much of their book is...
...a critique of existing theories of crime and deviance.
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This includes both Marxist and...
...non-Marxist approaches.
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Taylor et al describe their approach as...
...critical criminology.
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Taylor et al argue that traditional Marxism is too...
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For example, it sees the workers as driven to commit this crime at of...
...economic necessity.
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They also reject theories that claim crime is caused by...
...other external factors
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Such as:
...Anomie/subculutres/labelling/ biological functions.
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As Taylor et al are anti-deterministic, their view can be described as...
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Voluntarism is the idea that we have... will.
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They see the action of crime as...
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Crime is a conscious choice by the...
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They argue that crime often has a...
...political motive.
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For example:
The redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor.
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Criminals are not passive...
...puppets whose behaviour is shaped by the nature of Capitalism.
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Criminals are deliberately striving to change...
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What do they emphasize that shows us what kind of society (according to Taylor et al) we should create?
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What social goals do they share with traditional Marxists?
A classless, socialist society and social equality.
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They also want...
...individual liberty/diversity.
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They argue that individuals should not be labelled as...
...deviant if they are different from the mainstream.
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Instead, people should be free to... their lives as they wish.
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Taylor et al aim to create what they call a...
...'fully social theory of deviance."
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What is a 'fully social theory of deviance?'
A comprehensive understanding of crime and deviance that would help change society for the bettter.
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What 2 main sources would this theory have?
1. Traditional marxism 2.Interactionism/labelling theory
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What ideas are from Traditional Marxism?
1. The unequal distribution of wealth/who has the power to make and enforce the law.
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What ideas are from Interactionism/Labelling theory?
The deviant act for the actor/the societal reaction to it.
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According to Taylor et al, how many aspects are needed to have a complete theory of crime and deviance?
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1. The wider origins of...
...a deviant act.
32 of 37
2. The immediate origins of...
...a deviant act.
33 of 37
3. The act... itself.
34 of 37
4. The immediate origins of...
...a societal reaction.
35 of 37
5.The wider origins of...
...a societal reaction.
36 of 37
6. The effects of...
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the most important neomarxist contribution to our understanding of crime?


"The new criminology."

Card 3


Who is it written by?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In which 3ways do Taylor at al agree with traditional marxists?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


However, the views of Taylor et al differ significantly of those of...


Preview of the front of card 5
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