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1. What is a proto-oncogene?
- A normal gene that can undergo a mutation to become an oncogene
- A gene which is inappropriately abnormally or excessively expressed in tumours and is responsible for their abnormal growth
- A gene that protects a cell from one step on the path to cancer
- A gene that is responsible for inducing apoptosis
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2. What does 'N' mean in the determination of the stage of a tumour?
- The depth of invasion.
- The degree of metastases.
- The number of lymph nodes involved.
- The nuclear size and pleomorphism.
3. Malignant neoplasms of epithelial cells are called _____?
4. Which of these host factors does not affect tumour growth?
- The vascular supply to the tumour
- Their diet
- Their circulating hormone levels
5. Which of these is a factor in the growth of transformed, tumour cells?
- Increased cohesion and being anchorage dependent
- Early maturation
- Loss of contact inhibition and colony formation
- Increased serum growth factor requirment
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