nervous system 3 physiology
Nervous System 3: The Central Nervous System
1. Identify the components of the CNS as the brain and spinal cord
2. Locate and outline the functions of the cerebral hemispheres, the diencephalon, the brain stem and the cerebellum
3. Differentiate between the grey matter and white matter of the CNS and locate each within the brain and spinal cord
4. Explain what are gyri and sulci
5. Explain what are nuclei within the brain
6. Explain that the cerebral cortex contains motor areas, sensory areas and association areas
7. Locate the following motor and sensory areas and describe the role of each:
a. Premotor cortex
b. Primary motor area
c. Broca’s ar
- Created by: james pratt
- Created on: 05-06-11 12:08
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