Niamhs revision

What is a microorganism?
▪ Any organism too small to be seen by the naked
1 of 7
What is a pathogen?
Microorganisms that cause disease
2 of 7
What is infection?
The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues
3 of 7
Four stages of progression (from point
of view of microorganism)
1. Colonization
2. Invasion
3. Multiplication
4. Spread
4 of 7
Clinical Infectious Disease Process
Four stages (from point of view of the infected individual)
1. Incubation period
2. Prodromal stage
3. Invasion period
4. Convalescence
5 of 7
Fever (Pyrexia)
Rise in body temperature above the

normal i.e oral temperature (37.2oC)
▪ This is NOT a failure of the body to
regulate temperature
▪ The body temperature is being
regulated at a higher level than
6 of 7
Classes of Infectious Microorganisms
1. Bacterial infection
2. Viral infection
3. Fungal infection
4. Parasitic & protozoal
7 of 7

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a pathogen?


Microorganisms that cause disease

Card 3


What is infection?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Four stages of progression (from point
of view of microorganism)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Clinical Infectious Disease Process
Four stages (from point of view of the infected individual)


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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