an act which causes the victim to apprehend the infliction of immediate, unlawful force
1 of 10
Mens Rea of assault
an intention to cause another to fear immediate unlawful personal violence or be reckless to cause such fear
2 of 10
Actus Reus of battery
application of unlawful force to another person
3 of 10
Mens Rea of battery
intending either to apply unlawful physical force to another or recklessness as to whether unlawful force is applied
4 of 10
Actus Reus of ABH
an assault or battery which causes ABH
5 of 10
Mens Rea of ABH
intention to cause the vicitm to fear unlawful force, or to subject unlawful force, or to be subjectively reckless as to whether the victim fears or is subjected to unlawful force
6 of 10
Actus Reus of s.20
unlawfully and maliciously wound or inflict any GBH upon any other person either wiht or without a weapon or instrument
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Mens Rea of s.20
Intending some injury (but not serious injury) or being reckless as to whther any injury was inflicted
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Actus Reus of s.18
unlawfully and maliciously by any means whatsoever wound or cause any GBH to any person
9 of 10
Mens Rea of s.18
intent to do some GBH to any person, or with intentto resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of any person
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Mens Rea of assault
an intention to cause another to fear immediate unlawful personal violence or be reckless to cause such fear
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