Non-verbal communication 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PsychologyNon-verbal communicationGCSEAQA Created by: rochelleCreated on: 04-07-13 21:19 Passing information from one person to another communication 1 of 12 conveying messages using words or vocal sounds. Verbal communication 2 of 12 Vocal features that accompany speech Paralinguistics 3 of 12 Conveying messages that do not require the use of words or vocal sounds. Non-verbal communication 4 of 12 conducted on effect of age on personal space Willis 5 of 12 conducted a study to see if personality has an effect on personal space. Williams 6 of 12 the distance we keep between ourselves and other people in our everyday lives. Personal space 7 of 12 a form of non-verbal communication in which information is conveyed by either deliberate or unconscious movement of part of the body. Gesture 8 of 12 a shy person Introvert 9 of 12 mirroring another person's body position Postural echo 10 of 12 He came up with the 6 universal facial expressions Hall 11 of 12 he conducted a study to see the effect of pupil dilation on emotion Hess 12 of 12
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