nosocomial infections 0.0 / 5 ? BiologymicroUniversityNone Created by: AmhCreated on: 23-04-16 12:26 how many nosocomial infections per year 100,000 1 of 19 How many nosocomial infections cause death 5000 directly and 15000 indirectly 2 of 19 how much do nosocomial infections cost 1 bil 3 of 19 What are some common nosocomial infections hosp oneumonia, UTI, bloodstream, surgical, antibiotic diarrhoea 4 of 19 what increases the chances of nosocomial infections Hickman, central line, peripheral Iv, cathheters 5 of 19 What places in hospitals are hostbeds 4 nosocomial infections Special care baby and Intensive care unit 6 of 19 what are contributing factors to hospital infections host risk factos, environmental rick, hospital micro-organisms, treatment/interventions 7 of 19 what are host risk factors extremes of ages, immunocomprimised, surgical, impaired blood supply, medical devices 8 of 19 what are environmental risk factors containated water, staffing and physical laoyout of facility, air conditionng, devices 9 of 19 what are some opportunistic pathoens PseA, coagulase negative staphylococci, Aceinetobactr baumanii, enterococcus faecium, stentrophomonas maltophilia, candida albicans 10 of 19 what are some resistant micro-organisms MRSA, VRE, Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamases, carbapenase producing organisms, acinetobacter ssp, stenotrophomonas maltophillea 11 of 19 what makes up a biofilm extracellular polyymeric substances 12 of 19 why are biofilms bad biofilms make bacteria 1500 times more resistant 13 of 19 Who is most likeley to be contaminaed wth c dif Phys and med students (75%) dialysis technician (66%) nurses 56% physotherapists (50%) 14 of 19 Where is c dif most likely to be founs under fingernails 15 of 19 what is the most common blood stream infection 35% coagulase neg staphylococci and 25% staph aureus 11.2% enterococci 16 of 19 what pathogens are most likeley to cause UTIs Coliforms, yeast enterococci 17 of 19 what pathogens are most likeley to cause surgical wound infections 20% staph aureus, 16% PsA, 15% coag neg staphylococci 18 of 19 how do you treat MRSA Decolonisation(nasal mupirocin skin antiseptic , and systmeic antibiotics (vancomycin, teicoplanin, linezolide daptomycin tetraclyc) 19 of 19
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