Type 1: genetic, pancreatic B-cell destruction, insulin deficiency (dependent). Type 2: tissue resistant to insulin, 75% obese, non-dependent
1 of 8
What is metabolic syndrome?
Central obesity + two of the following: raised triglycerides/HDL cholesterol/BP/fasting glucose
2 of 8
What are nutritional therapies for both types of diabetics?
Type 1: integrate insulin regime into lifestyle, count CHOs, consistent day-to-day CHO. Type 2: lifestyle changes to improve glycaemia/dyslipidaemia/BP, reduce energy intake
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What carbohydrate changes should be made?
Consistent day-to-day, 55-65% energy requirements, low GI, avoid low CHO 'fad' diets, 44-50g fibre/day, alcohol is safe within recommended guideline
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What effects can protein have on diabetics?
Should not be used to treat night-time hypoglycaemia, can increase acute insulin responses, high protein intake may impair renal function in individuals with chronic kidney disease
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What fat changes should be made?
Limit fat to
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What is the significance of hypoglycaemia during exercise in type 1 diabetes?
Systemic insulin concentrations considerable higher than normal, high circulating insulin may suppress hepatic glucose output, lack of glucagon impairs hepatic glucose output/suppress FFA mobilisation from adipose. Lower insulin does before exercise!
7 of 8
What is the significance of carbohydrate ingestion & exercise?
CHO ingestion prior to exercise will increase liver glycogen. Ingestion during prolonged exercise will improve performance. Ingestion immediately after will maximise liver & muscle glycogen recovery
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is metabolic syndrome?
Central obesity + two of the following: raised triglycerides/HDL cholesterol/BP/fasting glucose
Card 3
What are nutritional therapies for both types of diabetics?
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