What initally inspired Milgram to study obedience?
Why the German population followed Hitler's orders in the persecution of 10 million Jews, Gypies and others in the Holocaust
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What were the different roles involved in Milgram's study?
Milgram named the ppt. as the 'teacher', he used a confederate as both the 'experimenter' and the 'student' or 'learner'
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Who did Milgram use in his study and how did he collect ppts?
40 male ppts. through newspaper adverts for a 'memory study'
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Give a brief outline of Milgram's study:
Experimentor instructed teacher to administer electrical shocks to the student if they answered a question incorrectly. The shocks were demonstrated to the teacher, but thereafter they were all fake
What prods were used when the teacher turned to the experiementor for guidance?
1- 'Please continue' / 2- ' You are required to continue' / 3- 'It is absolutley essential that you continue' / 4- 'You have no choice. You must continue'
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What were the findings of Milgram's study?
No ppt. stopped before 300v. 65% continue to 450v
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What did the collected qualitative data show?
Signs of anxiety: sweating, trembling, stuttering, biting lips. Three ppts. even had full seizures
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Were these findings expected?
No, 14 psychology students had predicted before that only 3% would continue to 450v
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How were ppts. treated after the experiment?
They were debriefed and given a questionnaire
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Why does Milgram's study have low internal validity?
Psychologists argue that ppts. guessed the shocks were faked therefore Milgram's study lacks interal validity
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What did Sherian and King's repeat study with a puppy show?
Despite the fact that shocks were real, half of the male students and all female students delivered what they thought was a fatal shock
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What evidence is there to support the idea that Milgram's research has good external validity?
Hofling's nurse study. 21 out of 22 nurses obeyed the doctor's unjustified demands
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Give another replication study:
The Game of Death was a documentary about reality TV in France
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What did the French replication study find?
80% of ppts. delivered the maximum (fake) shock to an apparently unconscious man. Their bahviour was similar to those ppts. in Milgram's study
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Give an alternative explanation for obedience:
Social identity theory
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What is Social identity theory?
It suggets that the key to obedience lies in group identification
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How can the social identity theory be applied to Milgram's study?
Ppts. identified with the experimenter. Obedience levels fell as they identified more with the victim than the science of the study
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What are the ethical issues in Milgram's study?
Ppts. were decieved as the roles of teacher and learner were fixed not random and shocks were fake
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What were the different roles involved in Milgram's study?
Milgram named the ppt. as the 'teacher', he used a confederate as both the 'experimenter' and the 'student' or 'learner'
Card 3
Who did Milgram use in his study and how did he collect ppts?
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