Objectivity and Values in Sociology 0.0 / 5 ? SociologySociological research methodsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: em123Created on: 24-05-13 21:12 Who used a positivist method to investigate suicide Durkheim 1 of 9 Marxists think values should be eliminated yes 2 of 9 Who argues that sociologists and their role should be seperate Weber 3 of 9 What research method would postivists favour Official statistics 4 of 9 Who says there is no such thing as objective truth in sociology Interpretivists 5 of 9 What interpretivists did a study into suicide Atkinson 6 of 9 Who rejects the idea of sociology as a science and value-free? Kuhn 7 of 9 What is a positive of quantitative data? Projectable to a large population 8 of 9 What is a positive of qualitative research deeper understanding 9 of 9
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