Observational Design

  • Created by: StarDaze
  • Created on: 17-05-17 19:20
Unstructured Observations
When the observer records everything they have seen.
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ADV - Unstructured
Collects more qualitative data, produces richer, in-depth data
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DISADV - Unstructured
More difficult to record and analyse. May be a greater risk of observer bias; as there is not objective, researcher may only record what "catches their eye".
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Structured Observations
When the observer looks out for and only records "target" behaviours.
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ADV - Structured
Easier and more systematic. Produces more quantitative data, which is easier to analyse and compare
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DISADV - Structured
The researcher may miss out on some behaviours.
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Behavioural Categories
When a target behaviour is broken up into components that are observable and measurable.
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ADV - Behavioural Categories
Makes data collection more structured objective, will not require further investigation.
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Event Sampling
Counting the number of times a particular behaviour occurs in a target behaviour.
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ADV - Event Sampling
Useful for infrequent target behaviours and events
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DISADV - Event Sampling
Doesn't work very well for complex behaviours, as the observer may overlook important details.
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Time Sampling
Recording behaviour that occurs within a particular time frame.
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ADV - Time Sampling
Effective in reducing number of observations required.
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DISADV - Time Sampling
The behaviours recorded might be unrepresentative of the observation as a whole.
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Inter-observer reliability
Observations should have at least 2 observers with similar judgement, to gain objective and unbiased
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


ADV - Unstructured


Collects more qualitative data, produces richer, in-depth data

Card 3


DISADV - Unstructured


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Structured Observations


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


ADV - Structured


Preview of the front of card 5
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