Observations 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyResearch methods and techniquesA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: millyradleyCreated on: 14-01-19 21:53 Where the observer is part of the group they are observing Participant 1 of 11 Where the observer is not part of the group they are observing Non participant 2 of 11 Where the participants don't know they are being observed Covert 3 of 11 Where the participants know they are being observed Overt 4 of 11 An observation with no pre-determined system of what behaviour to record, so records it all Unstructured 5 of 11 An observation with pre-determined categories of behaviours wanting to study Structured 6 of 11 Making sure that every observer knows what to class as one behaviour Operationalisation 7 of 11 Recording the number of times a behaviour occurs Event sampling 8 of 11 Recording the number of times a behaviour occurs in a timed interval Time sampling 9 of 11 Where the observer sees/hears what they want to see/hear Observer bias 10 of 11 Agreement amongst two or more observers Inter-rater reliability 11 of 11
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