When were the first elections for Weimar Germany held?
19th January 1919
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Why was Weimar chosen to hold the election?
Because of the threat of riots in Berlin
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Who made up the Weimar Coalition?
The 3 main parties - SPD, DDP, and the ZP.
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What kind of state was Germany declared?
A democratic state and a republic (no monarchy)
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What did Article 48 do?
Allowed the head of state to suspend civil rights in the case of an emergency, restoring law with the issue of presidental decrees, and allow the government to function in a crisis
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What was 'Proportional representation'?
The number of seats in the Reichstag is in relation to the number of votes you achieved
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Why did it recieve criticsm?
It encouraged the formation of many new splinter parties, making it difficult to run government.
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