OCR Democracy and Dictatorship in Germany 1919-63 - Creation of the Weimar Republic 5

  • Created by: Abi_B
  • Created on: 20-05-16 21:56
Who were the KPD?
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What did they want after the German revolution?
A worker's revolution
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What were the SPD committed to?
Parliamentary democracy
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What did the USPD stand for?
The creation of a radical socialist society, but within a democratic framework.
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What was 'Red Bavaria'?
1919 - After the USPD leader was assassinated, confusion broke out in Bavaria. A Bavarian Soviet Council was set up with a 'Red Army' of workers, proposing radical changes. 'White Terror' . They were crushed by the Freikorps in a month.
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What was 'The German October'
1923 - A wave of strikes and the creation of an SPD/KPD state government. Plans for a military uprising by communists
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What is 'Marxism'
The political and economic theories of Karl Marx, later developed by his followers to form the basis of communism.
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What is 'anti-democracy'?
The rejection of the Weimar system and its principles. Extreme right aimed to destroy the democratic constitution, because it was seen as weak.
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What is 'anti-Marxism'?
The fear of communism - seen as a real threat to traditional values and ownership of property/threat. Russian communism being established reinforced the idea that communism was anti-German.
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What is 'Authoritarianism'?
Restoration of dictator-like regime - ideology of the extreme right
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What was 'Nationalism'?
National pride - the core of the extreme right
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Card 2


What did they want after the German revolution?


A worker's revolution

Card 3


What were the SPD committed to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did the USPD stand for?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was 'Red Bavaria'?


Preview of the front of card 5
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