OCR GCSE B451 (Unit 1) Attachment - Bowlby's Theory & Alternative Theory

What is 'Monotropy'?
Bowlby believed that attachments can only be formed with ONE person, he called this 'Monotropy'. To help you remember this the word 'Mono' means 'One'.
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Between what years of age is the 'Critical Period'?
0 - 3 years.
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Did Bowlby believe in 'Nature' or 'Nurture'?
Bowbly believed that an attachment is only instinctive, therefore he believed in Nature.
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What is 'Privation'?
When an attachment is not formed.
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What is 'Deprivation'?
When an attachment is formed and later broken. Bowlby believes that the effects of Deprivation are irreversible.
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What are the affects of 'Deprivation'?
Aggression, Dwarfism, Delinquency, Intellectual Retardation, Depression, Dependency Anxiety, Affection-less Psychopath and Social Maladjustment.
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What doesn't Bowlby's theory explain?
Doesn't explain how children can form multiple attachments, attachments can be formed with Mothers, Fathers and other individuals such as Grandparents, all at the same time.
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What is the criticism about the 'Critical Period'?
The Critical Period is too extreme, study's show that children after the age of 3 can still form attachments with significant others.
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What is the criticism about 'Deprivation'?
The effects of Deprivation can actually be reversible.
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What does Bowlby's theory ignore the role of?
Nurture, others believe that an attachment is a learnt behaviour.
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What is the name of the Alternative Theory?
The Behaviourists Theory.
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What do behaviourists believe?
They believe that attachment relies on learning and experience, infants attach through reinforcement.
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What is 'Positive Consequence'?
When a child does an action and gets rewarded for it, they will do that action again. In attachment terms, if an infant interacts with it's caregiver they will get attention which is rewarding for them by feeding or comforting them.
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Card 2


Between what years of age is the 'Critical Period'?


0 - 3 years.

Card 3


Did Bowlby believe in 'Nature' or 'Nurture'?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is 'Privation'?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is 'Deprivation'?


Preview of the front of card 5
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