OCR GCSE History Core 1 Aims of the Big Three Flashcards

  • Created by: Amanda
  • Created on: 27-05-13 17:33
Which member of the Big Three represented France?
Georges Clemenceau
1 of 23
What proportion of the French army had been killed or injured in the war?
2 of 23
Germany had invaded France before, in ...
the Franco-Prussian war of 1870
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What did the French public want?
Revenge! A harsh treaty for Germany.
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What measure did the French president, Poincaré, suggest should be taken?
He wanted Germany broken up into smaller states.
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Clemenceau's aims were to ...
1) Punish Germany for starting the war, 2) Cripple Germany to prevent future war, 3) Ensure security for France
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Which member of the Big Three represented Britain?
David Lloyd George
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"Lloyd George supported a harsh treaty for Germany" True or false? Why?
False; he was aware that if the treaty was too harsh Germany would seek revenge in the future.
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Why did Lloyd George want Germany to lose its navy and colonies?
To eliminate competition with the British Empire.
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Before the war, Germany had been Britain's ______ biggest trading partner.
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What did the British public want?
They wanted Lloyd George to "make Germany pay" and "squeeze the German lemon until the pips squeak"
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Summarise Loyd George's attitudes in one word.
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Which member of the Big Three represented the USA?
Woodrow Wilson
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What did Wilson want the Treaty to be based on?
His Fourteen Points
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How did France and Britain feel about the Fourteen Points? Give an example.
They thought most of the ideas were impractical. E.g., self-determination; not practical to try and ensure no nation was ruled by another. For example, people of many different nations lived in Czechoslovakia.
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Which peace-keeping body was set up as a result of Wilson's Fourteen Points?
The League of Nations
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How did he hope to prevent future war? (Three points)
1) By supporting democracy in Germany so that the German people would be able to prevent their leaders from starting another war, 2) by setting up the League of Nations, 3) by ensuring the Treaty of Versailles was not unjustly harsh.
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What was the opinion of the American public?
They wanted a return to the policy of ISOLATIONISM! Didn't want to be involved in European affairs.
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Summarise Wilson's attitudes in one word.
19 of 23
When did the Paris Peace Conference begin?
January 1919
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Delegates were sent from how many countries?
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What problems in Europe, caused by the World War, did it need to address?
1) The European economy was in ruins, 2) Over 15 million people had been killed; revenge + compensation was wanted, 3) Russian and Austrian empires had collapsed, 4) Map of Europe had to be redrawn, as many nationalities wanted self-determination
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Why was the Treaty of Versailles come to be known as a 'diktat'?
Because Germany was not permitted to have a voice in the peace discussions; the result was a dictated peace.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What proportion of the French army had been killed or injured in the war?



Card 3


Germany had invaded France before, in ...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did the French public want?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What measure did the French president, Poincaré, suggest should be taken?


Preview of the front of card 5
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