OCR P.E All Topic Crossword 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Physical EducationExercise physiologyHistorical studiesSports psychologyA2/A-levelOCR Created by: BrandonCreated on: 25-02-14 22:57 Use it or lose it Reversibility 1 of 21 The ability of the neuromuscular sytem to overcome a resistance with high speed of contraction Dynamic Strength 2 of 21 Range Of Motion without taking into account speed of movement Static Flexibility 3 of 21 Lack of transport meant mob football was local 4 of 21 Coaching style which allows discussion Democratic 5 of 21 Need to achieve NACH 6 of 21 Mob football was played on Shrove Tuesday 7 of 21 Making training harder for positive outcomes Overload 8 of 21 Prevents boredom during training Variation 9 of 21 Anagram for principles of training MRS VOPP 10 of 21 The ability to provide and sustain energy aerobically Aerobic capacity 11 of 21 Consists of periods of work with periods of recover Interval training 12 of 21 Reflects the harsh lifestyle of rural life Violent 13 of 21 Boy culture, bullying and brutality Stage One 14 of 21 Social control Stage two 15 of 21 Combine different ideas to produce a new outcome Melting pot 16 of 21 An adaptation of fox hunting Hare and Hounds 17 of 21 The Cult of athlectism Stage three 18 of 21 A craze or obsession Cult 19 of 21 In the 1863 the __ was formed FA 20 of 21 This football team, started off as a church team Everton 21 of 21
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