OCR Psychology Turning to Crime


  • Created by: Chloe
  • Created on: 10-06-12 18:53
Sutherland believed that behaviour was learnt from others but which Approach / Perspective is this from?
1 of 9
What stage of Moral Development do most people get to?
2 of 9
How many participants did Farrington's study into Disrupted Families have?
3 of 9
In Gudjohnsson and Bownes study, who was most likely to attribute blame?
4 of 9
What did Raine suggest may cause Aggression in children?
Low Resting Heart-Rate, Low Functioning Pre-Frontal Lobes, Complications at Birth and Poor Parenting
5 of 9
Christianssen had two main problems with his study into concordance rates of crime in monozygotic and dizygotic twins, name one?
No way to tell if twins were monozygotic or dizygotic due to similarities and less advanced technologies
6 of 9
What does Propensity Induced mean? (Wikstrom and Tafel)
They have a propensity to commit offences regularily
7 of 9
Lifestyle Dependant means what? (Wikstrom and Tafel)
They are most susceptible when they have a high-risk lifestyle, i.e. peer groups take drugs and go our drinking
8 of 9
Situationally Limited means? (Wikstrom and Tafel)
Will only offend if the situation places them in danger
9 of 9

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Card 2


What stage of Moral Development do most people get to?



Card 3


How many participants did Farrington's study into Disrupted Families have?


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Card 4


In Gudjohnsson and Bownes study, who was most likely to attribute blame?


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Card 5


What did Raine suggest may cause Aggression in children?


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