Of Mice and Men 0.0 / 5 ? EnglishOf Mice and MenYears 7-9 (KS3)None Created by: mjp1987Created on: 21-10-20 18:58 This is a small, violent man Curley 1 of 10 An enormous man with massive strength Lennie 2 of 10 The animal the ranch workers kill to end its suffering Dog 3 of 10 The only black character Crooks 4 of 10 People can be mean to Lennie because he is ________ disabled 5 of 10 The animals Lennie is desperate to look after Rabbits 6 of 10 Curley's Wife is described as a ____ Tart 7 of 10 The man who is forced to kill Lennie at the end George 8 of 10 Curley wants to shoot Lennie in the ____ to make him suffer Guts 9 of 10 During their fight, Lennie crushes this part of Curley Hand 10 of 10
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