Of Mice And Men Quiz

A short quiz about various aspects of Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men. Some questions have more than one correct answer, and a lot is just based on personal opinion. These questions could add more ideas to your head though.


The title of the novel came from a poem by Scottish poet Robert Burns. What was the poem's name?
To a Mouse
1 of 6
Through the poem by Robert Burns, what theme(s) are associated with the novel?
Loneliness and dreams
2 of 6
What is a suggested reason that Crooks taunts Lennie about the face that George has gone to town and he might never return or get hurt?
Because he's lonely and Lennie has someone.
3 of 6
What is a suggested reason for Carlson saying "Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two guys?" On the subject of Slim and George after Lennie's death?
Because the others don't understand the companionship that George and Lennie had.
4 of 6
How many women are mentioned in the novel?
5 of 6
What can the word 'tart' imply about Curley's wife after closer analysis of the word? (This question is a matter of opinion and could be used for ideas rather than to test you.)
That she is a sweet treat to be consumed, emphasising the value of women at the time.
6 of 6

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Card 2


Through the poem by Robert Burns, what theme(s) are associated with the novel?


Loneliness and dreams

Card 3


What is a suggested reason that Crooks taunts Lennie about the face that George has gone to town and he might never return or get hurt?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a suggested reason for Carlson saying "Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two guys?" On the subject of Slim and George after Lennie's death?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many women are mentioned in the novel?


Preview of the front of card 5
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