Oils and fats

  • Created by: J.E.C.
  • Created on: 29-04-14 17:00
Oils are __ at room temperature whereas fats are ___?
Liquid, solid
1 of 11
Most oils and fats are esters of?
Propane-1,2,3-triol with long chain carboxylic acids
2 of 11
A carboxylic acid can form an __ __ to each glycerol?
Ester linkage
3 of 11
The alkyl groups are either fully __ or contain one or more ___ bonds?
Saturated, double
4 of 11
Any natural oil or fat contains a mixture of ___?
5 of 11
Oils and fats can be split up by...? This is usually done by...?
Hydrolysis. Heating the oil or fat with concentrated sodium hydroxide solution.
6 of 11
Usaturated triglyceride molecules cannot pack as closely together because the presence of...?
z double bonds causing the molecules to 'kink'. The attractive bonds between molecules will be weaker.
7 of 11
The more unsaturated __ __ molecules in a triglyceride mixture, the more likely it is to be ___ at room temperature?
Fatty acid, liquid
8 of 11
The hydrogenation of an unsaturated oil produces...? This process works by...? As a result the substance becomes a...?
Margarine. Adding hydrogen to unsaturated molecules reducing the number of souble bonds. Solid.
9 of 11
Modern maragarines are made by passing hydrogen through __ __ containing a __ catalyst?
Heated oil, nickel
10 of 11
Hydrogenation is an ___ reaction?
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Most oils and fats are esters of?


Propane-1,2,3-triol with long chain carboxylic acids

Card 3


A carboxylic acid can form an __ __ to each glycerol?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The alkyl groups are either fully __ or contain one or more ___ bonds?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Any natural oil or fat contains a mixture of ___?


Preview of the front of card 5
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