oral bio 4,5,6 0.0 / 5 ? Dentistryoral bioUniversityNone Created by: DianaIspasCreated on: 11-12-19 17:37 what are the different types of PDL fibres apical, oblique and horizontal- main ones. then: circumferential, dentogingival, alveolar crest, dentoperiosteal. then transeptal , interradicular 1 of 15 What are the 3 types of lamellae circumferential, concentric, interstitial 2 of 15 where can osteoblasts be found and what do they produce bone surface-periosteum, endosteum. produce bone matrix 3 of 15 What are osteoclasts trapped osteoblasts 4 of 15 where are osteoclasts derived from haemopoietic source- macrophage / monocyte line 5 of 15 what do osteoclasts do dissolve bone mineral- acid and breakdown organic matrix 6 of 15 what is in non keratinised lining mucosa- could draw epithelium, lamina propria, submucosa, bone/muscle 7 of 15 what layers can be found in epithelium superficial layer, intermediate layer, prickle cell layer and basal cell layer 8 of 15 what is keratinised masticatory mucosa made of epithelium, lamina propria, periosteum. and bone |(+ rete pegs) 9 of 15 what layers can be found in epithelium of keratinised Masticatory mucosa keratinised layer, granular, prickle cells and basal cell later 10 of 15 what is the keratinised layer, granular layer, prickle cell layer, basal cells layer also called keratinised: stratum. corneum. granular: granulosum. prickle cell: spinosum basal: germinativum 11 of 15 what is specialised mucosa made of epithelium- papillae, lamina propria and muscle 12 of 15 what are the pulp functions dentine formation, defence and repair, sensory 13 of 15 what cells could be found in. the pulp odontoblasts , fribroblasts, stem cells, defence cells 14 of 15 what. type of collagen can be found in the pulp type 1 60% type III 40% also type V and VI 15 of 15
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