Conservatism - Origins 0.0 / 5 ? Government & PoliticsConservatismA2/A-levelAQA Created by: powrieannieCreated on: 16-05-16 14:09 What was Conservatism a reaction to? Rapid political, economic and social change 1 of 12 What was this symbolised by? The French Revolution 2 of 12 What had conservatism been associated with in the past? Defence of the aristocracy and monarcy 3 of 12 What is Edmund Burke's famous 'conservative' book called? "Reflections on the Revolution in France" (1790) 4 of 12 What were western states transformed by? Industrialisation and other ideologies: liberalism, socialism, nationalism 5 of 12 What did conservatism seek to combat? Challenges to traditional social order 6 of 12 What did Burke say about change? "Change in order to conserve" 7 of 12 What is Authoritarianism? A belief that strong authority, imposed from above, is desirable or necessary, and demands obedience. 8 of 12 Examples of non-UK conservative parties/leaders: Republicans, Japanese Liberal Democrat Party, Peron (Argentina), Khomeini (Iran) 9 of 12 What is the New Right? A conservatively ideological trend that embraces a blend of market individualism and social authoritarianism 10 of 12 Who are the famous New Right politicians? Margaret Thatcher (UK), Ronald Reagan (US) 11 of 12 What are New Right politicians often influenced by? Neo-liberal economic policy (Hayek) (Free-market) 12 of 12
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