It is a symptom that is characterised by heavy menstural bleeding. 60-80ml lost per cycle.
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Symptoms of Menorrhagia?
Blood loss that is perceived more than normal. Bleeding pattern can be the same, but can be longer and heavier than usual.
60-80ml of blood lost per cycle.
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What questions should you ask if you suspect Menorrhagia?
- Timing and Bleeding?
- Effect on the patients life?
- Symptoms in relation to normal cycle?
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What conditions do you need to eliminate when diagnosing Menorrhagia?
-Medicine Induced Menstural Bleeding
- Endometrial or cervical carincoma
Blood loss that is perceived more than normal. Bleeding pattern can be the same, but can be longer and heavier than usual.
60-80ml of blood lost per cycle.
Card 3
What questions should you ask if you suspect Menorrhagia?
Card 4
What conditions do you need to eliminate when diagnosing Menorrhagia?
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