Women were lower on the 'Hierarchy of being' and so were viewed as closer to Hell. Othello's accusation of Desdemona's lechery comes from this and the seven deadly sins.
1 of 6
Context: Othello's insecurites
His insecurities stem from his race, as black was associated with the Devil and evil, whereas white was for the pure and light. Due to Desdemona's beauty, Othello is insecure about why she chose him instead of one of the 'curly-haired darlings'.
2 of 6
Context: Their marriage
a Marriage between a white woman and black man would be deeply shocking of this time. Another reason for Othello's insecurities.
3 of 6
Context: Lies
Lies was a form of deception that was considered a much more a serious offence than today.
4 of 6
Context: Women
Women were considered to be their father's possessions until they get married and become their husband's. They had to obey their husbands and were financially dependent on them.
5 of 6
Context: Cyprus
Cyprus was a stragetically important for trading and so it was too important to the Venetians to let the Westerns control it.
6 of 6
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Card 2
His insecurities stem from his race, as black was associated with the Devil and evil, whereas white was for the pure and light. Due to Desdemona's beauty, Othello is insecure about why she chose him instead of one of the 'curly-haired darlings'.
Context: Othello's insecurites
Card 3
a Marriage between a white woman and black man would be deeply shocking of this time. Another reason for Othello's insecurities.
Card 4
Lies was a form of deception that was considered a much more a serious offence than today.
Card 5
Women were considered to be their father's possessions until they get married and become their husband's. They had to obey their husbands and were financially dependent on them.
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