Iago plants the seeds of jealousy in Othello's mind, Othello complains of having a headache, which is a big, big clue that Othello thinks Desdemona's been unfaithful.(act 3 ac3)
"I have a pain upon my forehead, here"
2 of 5
Iago framing Cassio (while dreaming about desdemona) Act 3 sc3)
"laid his leg Over my thigh, and sighed, and kissed;"
3 of 5
women are also "frail" and imperfect, just like some husbands. In other words, Emilia recognizes there's a double standard when it comes to gender and fidelity and she heartily objects.(act 4 sc 3)
"Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have?"
4 of 5
Othellos disturbing relationship betwwen life and death (Act 5 sc 2)
Othello's reference to his "weapon," which rests upon his "soldier's thigh," seems blatantly phallic
5 of 5
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Card 2
"I have a pain upon my forehead, here"
Iago plants the seeds of jealousy in Othello's mind, Othello complains of having a headache, which is a big, big clue that Othello thinks Desdemona's been unfaithful.(act 3 ac3)
Card 3
"laid his leg Over my thigh, and sighed, and kissed;"
Card 4
"Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have?"
Card 5
Othello's reference to his "weapon," which rests upon his "soldier's thigh," seems blatantly phallic
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