Addition of O2 directly, or removing one electron or adding a pair of hydrogens.
1 of 7
What is coenzyme Q structure?
A ring with two =O that can accept hydrogens, with a long R chain that is hydrophobic so can sit in a membrane.
2 of 7
what is oxido-reduction potential?
the ability to donate/accept an electron to another carrier molecule. electrons flow from a carrier with -ve value to more +ve value.
3 of 7
What is the order of co-factors in electron transfer chain?
FLAVIN->CoQ->CytB->CytC->CytA. The energy released allows hydrogen to move into the matrix and form a hydrogen conc gradient.
4 of 7
What forces bring Hydrogen in?
1.pH gradient 2. Electrochemical graident 3.proton motive force of ATP synthase.
5 of 7
What is different about NADH and FADH?
NADH passes H to complex 1. so produces 2.5 ATP FADH passes to complex 2 as not high enough oxido-reduction potential to pass to 1. so produces 1.5 ATP
6 of 7
What are uncoupling agents?
Instead of going through ATP synthase, H goes through uncouplers as it is an easier route back through. eg. DNP which causes heat instead of ATP synthesis.
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is coenzyme Q structure?
A ring with two =O that can accept hydrogens, with a long R chain that is hydrophobic so can sit in a membrane.
Card 3
what is oxido-reduction potential?
Card 4
What is the order of co-factors in electron transfer chain?
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