Ozymandias 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteraturePoetry Power and conflictGCSEAQA Created by: Alicexx__Created on: 05-02-17 11:09 What is the form of Ozymandias? Sonnet 1 of 7 What is the first line of Ozymandias? 'I met a traveller from an antique land' 2 of 7 Who wrote Ozymandias? Percy Shelley 3 of 7 What does 'of that colossal wreck' show? How insignificant human power is compared to time 4 of 7 What are three feelings and attitudes in the poem? Pride, Arrogance Power 5 of 7 What era was Ozymandias written in? Romantic 6 of 7 What were Shelley's views inspired by? French Revolution 7 of 7
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