p1 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsEarth in spaceGCSEOCR Created by: 117millingtonCreated on: 04-03-17 16:25 How many plants are there in our solar system? 8 1 of 8 Order of planets from closest to sun to the furthest away Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune 2 of 8 What is Pluto? A dwarf planet 3 of 8 The sun is .......... times bigger than the Earth The sun is 100 times bigger than the Earth! 4 of 8 How old is the Universe? Scientists believe 5 Thousand Million years! 5 of 8 How do we know this? The oldest rocks on earth are meteorite and (because of carbon dating) we know the solar system is at least this old 6 of 8 How is the sun so hot? Nuclear Fission (hydrogen nuclei join together to make helium 7 of 8 How many suns are there in the milky way? 1 in 100000000000 or 1 in 10⚿⚿⚿ to the power of 11 8 of 8
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