A state of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or something. Assumptions and convictions that are held to be true, by an individual or a group, regarding concepts, events, people and things.
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The idea that something is desirable. Defines what is and is not worthwhile. May be: Personal, professional, institutional or social.
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A specific guide to actions, defines acceptable and appropriate behaviour in given situations. Norms can be enforced through positive and negative sanctions/ rewards and punishments. Sanctions are a major part of the mechanisms of social control.
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Socially transmitted values, attitudes, beliefs and patterns of behaviour shared by a population or society (Clarke 2013). Culture is shaped by natural phenomena. Culture is our theory of nature which is framed by our beliefs, values and norms.
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Culture cont.
Our culture will frame how we make sense of what is happening to us. We may view all other cultures purely from the viewpoint of ours- Ethnocentrism. Will also frame how we view health and illness.
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Rene Descartes (1596-1650).
Rationalism- follow intuition and deduction. Dualism- the mind controls the body, but the body can affect the mind. The body is material so can be thought of as a machine. Must be maintained/ repaired.
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The Biomedical Model (Laing RD 1993 1969)
'A set of procedures in which all doctors are trained.' Includes: complaint, history, examination, tests if needed, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis with or without treatment.
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Religious/ Supernatural models of health.
Illness caused by sinful behaviour or evil spirits. May manifest itself in one way e.g. fever- but it is the spiritual problem that needs to be managed. Healing often incorporates a healer/holy person. Prayer/intercession/repentance may be important.
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Holistic models of health.
Focus on the interaction of a persons mind, body and spirit within their social lives. Clients are involved in the process, thereby assuming some responsibility for health maintenance.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The idea that something is desirable. Defines what is and is not worthwhile. May be: Personal, professional, institutional or social.
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